Showing posts with label Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tricks. Show all posts

Sunday 9 October 2011

How to capture your screen?

If you want to capture your screen simply press Print Screen button above delete button on keyboard. Now to go any picture editor like MS Paint or Adobe Photoshop and create a new file. Paste it. Your captured screen is ready.

But if you want to record your screen like a video, I recommend you to use "Cam Studio". It's an open source software which simply means that it's free. It's too easy to use and and even a newbie to computer can use it.
It can store videos in both .AVI & .SWF format.
Then also if you face any problems using it, watch the video:

If you are a Mac user you may use "Screencasting Studio" which is available here.

How to make windows read your text?

This simple trick will tell you how to make windows read your text. Interestingly this trick can also be used to check the gender of your PC.
I'll tell you how.
  1. First of all open notepad.
  2. Type the given code. Or just copy and paste it.
    CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Tell how to is the greatest site I've ever visited."
  3. Save it as PC_gender.vbs 
  4. Open the file and enjoy it reading!

    TIP : you can type your own matter in place of -Tell how to is the greatest site I've ever visited.
This trick was earlier published on our Tell how-to fan-page on Facebook. To get updated with such tricks, you are recommended to like us at or follow us at twitter at