Thursday, 2 February 2012

How to record live tv using mp5 player ?

Miss your favorite serial in your busy life want to watch the same episode again and again and want to share it with your friends. Now you can enjoy all this using your mp5 player. For this you only need a tv with AV cable option and a mp5 player having AV in port which almost every mp5 player has. And the last but not the least AV cable which you had got with your mp5 player.
Now first of all insert the 3.5 mm terminal of AV cable in AV in port of your mp5 player.
Then check out at the back of your TV you will find for port from which two is for vcd player and in other two insert the AV wire terminal.
Now in last select the special option of AV in of your mp5 player and start recording.
And you can share it by copying it in your computer and converting it in desire format.


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