Microsoft Office 2010 which is the latest version of Office released by Microsoft is the best version I have ever worked with. It has awful of functions and the need is just to find them. Word 2010 also has a wonderful option to read your document. So if want to set up your word to do
so follow these steps:
- Open MS word and go to File > Options.
- Now click on Quick Access Toolbar button and select "All Commands" option under "Choose Commands from"
- Now search for "Speak".
- Select it and click on Add button
- Click OK
- Now you'll see a button like on quick access toolbar
- Select the matter to be read
- Click on speech button.
Enjoy word reading your document!
I have a 20 page document I am trying to read along with while it reads for me. It seems to stop after about 5 minutes. Its going on the 10th time I've restarted the reading position and hit the speech bubble. My question is: how to un-limit the reading length? an inferred 2nd question would be: are there options to adjust the speech settings?